This is a very good Thumbnail, simple but unique style, great choice of colors, you can see what it represents, great work.
This is a very good Thumbnail, simple but unique style, great choice of colors, you can see what it represents, great work.
Happy New Year Everybody!!
Gamin Journalism and Game Award may have announced the game of the year, but the battle between fandoms continues.
Pretty funny.
Is bro okay?
Think he's just sleepy.
These guns look like they're from Neon White.
Ive still never tried that one but it has a really cool artstyle!
Does this left hand belong to her?
The original was in a plasticine animation and this art is in the plasticine style, so everything fits.
This is definitely a killer rather than a psychopath, a killer works and does not think about it while a psycho kills because it gives him pleasure.
I'm intrigued by these leaves in the hair and I wonder if a motif like this has ever appeared before.
Joined on 2/6/21